How To Go Live using BUTT Broadcaster



If you are using Windows, macOS or Linux, you can use free software such as Broadcast Using This Tool to connect.

Windows –

Mac –


Click ADD,


For Type, choose, then Get Stations. Confirm on the pop-up box.

Choosing type stations.

In the browser, make sure you’re logged into Then allow the connection.

Allowing access to your account.

Back in BUTT, every radio station you have access to will appear under Stations. Choose which ones you want, then add.

Selecting stations.

The station(s) will now be available under Server.


Audio Settings

Choose how you sound and broadcast. In Audio, select your Audio Device. Usually, this is your microphone, mixer, or bundled audio from playout software.

To connect serato make sure your serato settings allow third party devices to listen to serato. Once that is checked it will show in Audio Device.

Audio settings in BUTT.

For BUTT to work correctly with, make sure your settings are as follows:

  • Channel Mode: Stereo

  • Samplerate: 44100Hz

  • Codec: MP3

  • Bitrate: 320kbps


Stream Settings

To update the Meta Data if its not showing your DJ Name or show In the Update Song Name Manually Type in Artist Name – Show Name/Website/Social

Artist Name can be anything and after the – can be anything you want as well. Dont make it too long.

BUTT stream details.

Broadcast Live

To start broadcasting to, click the play icon in the main window.

Connecting from BUTT to

Once your show has finished, click the stop icon. Do not allow any dead air. On your last song either loop or click stop at the end of your track with music still playing so it fades out.


Hot Tips

  • Connection: Make sure you’re either playing audio and connected to ethernet. WIFI drops the feed.

  • Event Start: You can only go live when your event starts. If you try to connect beforehand, BUTT will throw an invalid password error. Check the for how much time is remaining to go live. If the time still shows a remaining time but it is the time you’re suppose to be broadcasting you can connect.

  • Clean transition: Start with a loop and end with a loop. No dead air.
